Monday 27 January 2014

~ An Ode to My Rue ~

~ An Ode to My Rue ~

Once a folly, forever a folly,
I hummed to him, in a hushed voice,
Lying on my back, he on top,
‘Baby, never ever lie to me,
God sees everything, so do I,
Confide in me, now and ever,
I’m your friend, a foe never’
I then did commit a parenting folly,
Compared him with another child…
Nagged him with my undying query,
‘What did your teacher ask?
How did you do?
Oh! You were bad!
How did your friend ‘A’ do?’
These questions left an ugly mark,
A searing stain that I felt today,
I repeated the ONLY question,
‘How was your test, Baby?’
To which came one convincing reply — PAT,
‘I did good and my friends did bad’
A Mother — who can see through,
I saw the face of one nascent lie,
Stroking the buzzing parent alarm of chides,
Mincing my words and emotions, I purred,
‘Momma knows all, and nothing hides,
Never ever you dare and lie to me or any,
And for now —
Just go away and don’t talk to me’
Unruffled — he is watching Doraemon,
Whilst I’m jotting down my clammy surging feel,
Nervous, distressed, apprehensive, much sad!
What do I do now?
Where did I fall short?
Is folly a once, a folly forever?
Did my tetchy contrast instill in him
— A Lying Machine?
Is my Embryo blooming wrong altogether?
Or, would his butterflies sleep on a true flower?

Tuesday 21 January 2014

~I See~

~I See~

A lie, you began, a lie, you bargain,
You, seeker, one liar,
Market of love — a lie, too
Giver, a bigger liar,
Eagle-feed on names,
What those eyes glare at?
What is the bait?
For whom is the wait?
If not for sleepless nights,
If not those feverish days,
What if no Majnu is pulling bizarre faces?
Fetching to those red teary eyes of Laila, a smile… Just a Smile…
Oh! What do I see, time and time again?
Two pricey glossy plastic hearts,
Maintaining balance sheet and,
Busy in Reconciliation art..
Such well chart out plans —
Affairs, do they say?
No loss, but profit is such sure — free fun,
And much a easy Fame!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

~Killing A Spider~

~Killing A Spider~
Shrieking, he ran out of his bath tub,
‘Spider, spider, there is a spider,
Hanging upside down in the shower,
It has many, many huge fork legs, two big black eyes,
Clumping its teeth to have a bite of mine’
Out of his lost found breaths, underlined,
‘Spider, spider, there is one spider,
Momma, shoo it away, much sooner
Or better, kill it with an iron rod’
Gathering him in my big arms,
I tottered to the place of crime,
One look of one such horrid spider,
Bet you? Worth a worthy dime..
There hung one tiny as a seed,
Not of pumpkin, but a green lime..
Smilingly, I whispered in the ear
Of my clambering shouting monkey,
‘What did you see— it’s so, so small’
He shouted again, buried in my chest,
‘Call Lobo, the lizard, of my room,
He will eat it—chomp chomp chomp,
Or, bring one heavy, heavy, iron rod,
From under the wood staircase, and
Squash its head—crunch crunch crunch,
How lovely would it be, Momma,
To see it cold, crushed, blue and dead’
His smile and courage seemingly recouped
‘Love, it’s one small baby spider,
Hanging here to have some free fun,
If we’d kill it—crunch or chomp,
Its Momma would wait for it, forever, forever’
His smile vanished,
And on forehead one serious line swarmed,
‘Oh, is it Momma?’ he truly enquired
I just nodded, as a decision was to be made,
He cleared his throat, groaned, and again said,
‘Momma, let it have its share of shower and fun,
And, can I share with it one piece of my soft bun?’
I gladly agreed, one lesson was again grasped..
Good it may feel to trash a weakest of weak,
Chomp, crunch—may seem heavenly to ears,
But, walking on a smaller never makes one tall,
Instead, yes, magic does happen—
When sharing a shower or a meager bun!